Study Rooms
Study Rooms
Study Room Bookings
Aurora Public Library is a vibrant space and at busy times it can be noisy, we offer our customers 5 semi-private study room spaces so they can have a quieter work environment while at the library. Study rooms are high demand spaces and we have developed procedures to try and ensure that the limited space that we have can be accessed by multiple customers each day.
Study Room 1,4,5,6,7 | A small study room that has an occupancy for 1-2 people. |
Study Room 2,3 | A large study room that has an occupancy for 2-6 people. If you are a single user of a group of two you may be asked to share this study room with another single user of group of two to maximize the use of the space. |
Study Room Time Slots
Study rooms are available every day that the library is open.
Study rooms can be booked for the following time slots:
Monday to Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Study room use is divided into blocks of time based on the open hours of the library. When booking customers book for an entire time slot. Time slots cannot be divided by library staff to adjust to an individual’s needs.
How to Book a Study Room
Study rooms are available on a first come basis and can be booked in person at the library. Reservations for study rooms will not be taken over the phone. To book a study room customers need to provide staff with their name and a piece of ID or library card number. Customers who wish to book a study room should go to the main floor service desk and let a staff member know that they would like to book a study room.
If a study room is available and it is past the start of the time block customers can book the room for the rest of the block of time. If there is one hour or less in the current time slot a customer can book the room for the following time slot if it is free. If there is more than one hour left in the current time slot a customer can use the study room until the end of the current time slot but they cannot book the following time slot until 10 minutes before the next time slot begins.
A customer using a study room can check to see if the next time slot for a study room is open and can book again 10 minutes before the start of the next time slot.
Forfeiting a Study Room Booking
Failure to show up for your study room within 15 minutes of the start of your booking will forfeit the use of the space and open it up for booking by someone else.
Customer Responsibilities while Using a Study Room
Customers are responsible for leaving the study room on time so the next person can use the space. The library’s Code of Conduct applies to study room use and we will not accept misuse of the space including leaving garbage behind, vandalism or inappropriate behaviour. Customers who abuse the space may lose their privilege’s to use the study rooms and/or the use of other library services.
Customers will be responsible for their own belongings while using the library space. At no time should items be left in the study rooms. The library is not responsible for loss or theft of a customer’s personal belongings.