EBSCO eBooks
Browse this collection of non-fiction eBook titles provided by EBSCO. There are titles on a wide variety of topics including law, business, science and Canadian history.
Browse this collection of non-fiction eBook titles provided by EBSCO. There are titles on a wide variety of topics including law, business, science and Canadian history.
Gale eBooks is an online library of reference titles that cover a wide range of topics including history, biography, law and social sciences. This resource also provides citation tools and it allows users to highlight, take notes and do text searching.
Instantly access thousands of books, comics, movies, television shows and audiobooks online or on your mobile device. Enjoy 10 downloads a month. Available to APL cardholders aged 14+.
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LitFinder provides access to literary works and authors throughout history and includes full-text poems and poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays.
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BiblioWeb: webapp02 Version 4.24.0 Last updated 2024/12/10 09:30