Support Your Library

For well over 100 years, Aurora Public Library has been serving the changing needs of our community. Throughout its history, the Library has relied upon community support and it has always been there. Our community's needs are changing more rapidly than ever before. Your support has never been more important.

Give a gift to the Library

  • Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25 or more.

Remember the Library in your will

  • Bequests of any value are most gratefully received by the Library and can result in tax advantages for the donor's estate.
  • Donors considering a bequest are advised to seek independent legal and financial advice.

Memorial donations

  • Donations may be made in memory or recognition of a loved one, individuals or organization.
  • The concerned family or organization will be notified and the donors will receive a tax receipt.

A donation form has been prepared for your convenience.

Visiting Library Service (Adult volunteer opportunity)

A Visiting Library Service (VLS) volunteer selects and delivers library materials to homebound members of the community. Volunteers must be over 18, have a valid APL membership and their own transportation. An interview, two personal references and successful completion of a vulnerable sector screening are required. If you would like to volunteer, please complete this application. We are not currently recruiting volunteers, but will keep your application on file for one-year.

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