Magazines & Newspapers
Magazines & Newspapers
Business & Finance Magazines
Check out these publications that can help you understand the economy and better manage your investments and personal finances.
Flipster is an easy-to-use digital magazine newsstand that you can use on your PC, tablet or phone. Titles include People Weekly.
Had a long day? Try reading a magazine - we have a wide variety of titles in branch as well as online.

Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports is the world's largest nonprofit product-testing company and has provided unbiased product reviews for 80+ years.
Catch up on current events in the local community and beyond!

Use PressReader and get unlimited access to more than 7,000 of the world's top newspapers and magazines in more than 60 languages.
Toronto Star
This database contains digitized copies of the Toronto Star from 1894 to 2018. Users can search national and international events.
Academic OneFile
Focused on undergraduate research, Academic OneFile provides millions of articles from over 19,000 scholarly journals and other sources.