Borrowing Limits and Loan Periods
Loan period is the length of time that you can borrow library materials. A loan period depends on the type of item you borrow.
We reserve the right to limit the number of bestseller, popular or seasonal materials borrowed as well as materials with limited
Maximum limits per card (these limits apply to all item types)
- You may have a maximum of 100 library items on loan at one time.
Renewals extend the loan periods of library materials. See the table below for which items you can renew and how many times you can renew them.
- You cannot renew items that are on hold for other customers.
- When you renew an item, the extended time is calculated from the day of the renewal, not from the original due date.
- You cannot renew items if you have lost your borrowing privileges.
Renewals can be requested in person, by telephone, through My Library Dashboard or using your APL app (Android or Apple).
Material Type | Hold | Loan Period | Renewals |
Audiobook | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Bestseller Express (Books) | No | 7 Days | 0 Renewals |
Bestseller Express (Movies) | No | 7 Days | 0 Renewals |
Blu-Ray | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Book | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Book Club Set | Yes | 42 Days | 0 Renewals |
CD | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Digital Equipment | No | Return 30 minutes before closing | 0 Renewals |
DVD | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
eContent | Determined by licensing agreement | Determined by licensing agreement | Determined by licensing agreement |
Fast Track Book | Yes | 14 Days | 0 Renewals |
Magazine | No | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Backpack | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Reference Material | No | In-Library use Only | N/A |
Video Game | Yes | 21 Days | 5 Renewals |
Library of Things | Yes | 14 Days | 5 Renewals |
Material Type | Max # of items per account |
Total combined items checked out at one time | 100 |
Bestseller Express Movies | 3 |
Video Games | 5 |
Fees | Fee | HST |
Delinquent accounts may be forwarded to a collection agency. An additional service charge is levied for each overdue account referred to the collection agency. | $20.00 | Yes |
An administrative fee will be charged for NSF returned cheques | $40.00 | No |
Replacement fee for lost card | $3.00 | No |
Copier Fee - Letter Size Black & White / Colour | $0.15 / $0.50 | Yes |
Copier Fee - Oversized Paper | $0.50 | Yes |
Printing - Black & White / Colour | $0.15 / $0.50 | Yes |
Damaged or Lost Items
Please report lost or damaged material to staff as soon as possible. The charge for materials that are not returned, are lost or are damaged is based on the full replacement cost including the cost to acquire, catalogue and process the item.
An item is considered lost if it is 4 weeks overdue. We will notify you when material is 7 days overdue and 14 days overdue. When material is 22 days overdue, you will be mailed a final overdue notice. After 30 days, you will be billed the replacement cost of the outstanding items. A replacement cost will also be charged for material returned with missing parts.
Delinquent accounts may be forwarded to a collection agency. An additional $20.00 +HST service charge is levied for each overdue account referred to the collection agency.
Replacement or donated copies in lieu of payment are not accepted.
The replacement fee is refundable if a lost item is found within three months of payment. You must have your receipt to receive the refund. Refunds over $20 will be issued by cheque within 30 days of your refund request.
Suspension of Borrowing Privileges
All library privileges will be suspended when you have fees in excess of $20.00. Privileges will be reinstated when the fees are paid and/or the outstanding material is returned. All fees must be paid in full before your library card may be renewed.