Literacy Collection

Literacy Collection

Literacy Collection

Explore the Literacy Collection

Aurora Public Library’s Literacy Collection aims to help people who are struggling with reading. Whether you’re a child learning to read, a teen struggling with finding interesting books at your level, an adult wanting to improve reading, or learning to read English as an ESL student, our Literacy Collection can help.

The collection contain phonics readers, hi-lo books, simplified classics, and books written in dyslexia-friendly fonts. Join our literacy programs, workshops, and book clubs to connect with fellow readers and foster a love for reading. Visit the Literacy Collection today to find your next great read and unlock the joy of lifelong learning.

Literacy Collection Blog Post

Ready to Read

Books that will help you gain confidence in reading, as well as read some terrific books!

Literacy Collection Booklist

Vox & Wonderbooks

Explore our collection of Vox and Wonderbooks! These books can talk!

Literacy Collection

Literacy Collection Booklist

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