Book Clubs

Book Clubs

Book Clubs

Book Clubs are a way to dive deeper into a book. They can help you become a better reader, introduce new titles and prompt you to ask interesting questions.

Joining a book club allows you to connect with other readers who may have different perspectives of the same text. Discussing a great read is a fun way to be social, share opinions and learn about new topics.

book clubs

APL Evening Book Club, part of a series

If you enjoy discussing books, join us on the last Wednesday of the month (excluding December) from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Romance Book Club

Apr 6th | 2:30pm - 3:30pm
Come and chat all things romance! Swoon with us every month on a Sunday as we discuss the happily-ever-after and the broken hearted.

Theatre Club, part of a series

Lights up on a brand-new scene! Read from our selected plays in preparation or join us to read aloud day of!

APL Afternoon Book Club, part of a series

Join book lovers like yourself on the third Monday afternoon of every month to express your opinion and discuss the shared title.


Book Clubs event listing

Book Club Resources

Interested in starting your own book club? Aurora Public Library has a number of book club sets that you can borrow.  Each book club set comes with 5 or more copies of a title. You can come in and browse our collection of titles.  Loans are for 6 weeks and the sets cannot be renewed.


Book Club Sets

book club sets carousel

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